Abalone shell
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Abalone Shell from the Pacific Ocean
- Perfect for smudging sticks or as decor
- From the cold Pacific waters where they are hand caught by divers and regulated for sustainability
- Each one is unique
- Abalone shells are thought to provide protection and emotional balance
- A feather and a handmade wood stand made from mango or indico wood comes with each shell
The abalone shell has special meaning in many cultures, read on to know more.
In some Native American cultures, the shell of the abalone is to burn sage.
They believe the combined spiritual power of abalone and sage would take their messages to their Gods.
There is an Apache story that explains the significance of this shell in their ancient culture.
The Apache nation believes there is a connection between the shell and the first woman - known as White Painted Woman. She is also known as Esdzanadehe or Changing Woman.
The White painted Woman survives a flood in the shell of an abalone.
As the floodwaters recede, she walks the land.
She is impregnated by the sun and has a son.
This son becomes the Killer of Enemies, protecting her from evil.
She is later impregnated by the rain and births the Son of Water.
At the end of the White Painted woman's life, she walks east until she finds her young self. The two merge, and in this way, she is born over and over again, through endless generations.
For this reason the puberty ceremony for Apache girls - the Sunrise Ceremony, involves the shell of the abalone. It is a symbol of their new womanhood fusing with previous generations of the White Painted Woman.
They wear the abalone shell on their forehead during the puberty ritual and connect to their spiritual heritage through it. The power of the abalone teaches the girls of their spiritual power as women, and their ability to heal, as they 'become a woman'.
The abalone shell is found in the coastal waters off New Zealand and is called Paua by the Maori people who live there.
Inside the shells there is meat that the Maori eat and is considered a delicacy. The Maori then use the shell to make jewelry and other gifts for trading.
The Maori believe that the heart and body of one who wears the shell is strengthened and with a stronger body and heart they will communicate their feelings better and more clearly.
Maori also believe that the Paua (abalone) brings connectivity and harmony to relationships.
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🐚 Abalone Skel úr Kyrrahafinu
Fullkomin fyrir salvíuvönd, Palo Santo eða annarskonar ilmkelsi
Hentar einnig fyrir sápur, skartgripi eða sem skraut.
Skeljarnar eru taldar veita vernd sem og stuðla að andlegu jafnvægi
Þessar fallegu abalone skeljar koma úr köldu Kyrrahafinu þar sem þær eru handtíndar af köfurum.
Það eru strangar reglur um hversu margar skeljar má tína til að styðja sem best við sjálfbærni.
Hver skel er einstök
Með hverri skel fylgir handgerður viðarstandur úr mangó eða indica við